Wednesday, May 20, 2009

If you're in graduate school...

1. Don't ask if Wikipedia is a legitimate source
2. Don't offer up positive comments when the workshop had moved on to what needs work
3. Do not turn in papers with the assignment name for your title
4. Do not surf the internet on your laptop for the entire class
5. Do not make offensive, broad generalizations about people or groups of people
6. Do not eat a packet of cream cheese in class with your fingers
7. Do not start every criticism with "Maybe it's just me..." If it's just you, don't say anything.
8. Do not expect your teachers to proofread your paper for grammatical errors before they grade it

That being said, doing any of the aforementioned things does not make you a bad person, simply a surprisingly unprepared student.


  1. That list could be endless, but your 8 just made my night.
    Thank you!

  2. I have no idea who this is about....but I know that it's super funny.
