a) no internet
b) no heat
c) only one way to get to the top: through a river
That's all fine and exciting until this happens:
We spent about 30 minutes parked on the edge of this flooding. "It'll go down in about 20 minutes," the locals said. Well, we got tired of waiting (or maybe Sebastian's long-hidden adventurer gene kicked in) and we did it. We drove across this muddy, swirling, roaring road-turned-river.
We cheered when we got to the other side, only to realize we had not the slightest inkling of how to get to the house. So we tried every possible route up the mountain--one that was nothing but loose stones, another that was solid mud, a third that dead ended with two roaring ditches one each side (resulting in a true test of the boyfriend's backing-up skills).
He didn't disappoint, actually, for all of you who have heard me chew Sebas out for his driving. Turns out he's quite the talented, uh, nature driver. Or something like that.
We made it back to the house, finally, to find:
What? All of the wood for the fire is wet? You don't say.
What? Our room flooded and our duffle-bagged clothes worked as sandbags? Well, that's just swell!
What? The water isn't working in the entire house? Why, that only makes sense--all of the water is flooding the roads!
Good news: Sebas made delicious popcorn and hot chocolate to make up for it all, my two favorite food groups.
P.S. This was 3 days ago. It's still raining.
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