I've always wanted to try a mojito, but the timing has never seemed right.
In one of Savannah's military-packed, grimy bars? Nah.
At an fragile bistro table in Paris? Nope.
Under an over-sized umbrella in Barcelona? Sangria seemed a better choice.
So when my tour guide, I mean boyfriend, announced we were going to Andres Carne de Res yesterday, I saw a window of opportunity.
Now, there's something you must know about this Andres place. It is indescribable. I could call it a restaurant, I could call it a junk shop, I could call it a club, I could call it bar, I could call it the most amazing place I have ever stepped into--and only the last descriptor would be true.
So as Sebas and I were squeezed into a side bar beside one of the smaller dance floors, I did it: I ordered a mojito. Or rather, I told Sebastian to order a mojito for me, and I avoided eye contact with the waiter, pretending like the only reason I didn't comminucate with him was the loud music (rather than my lack of lingual skills).
They came in bowls. Well, technically they were hollowed-out gourds, called totuma, and they were the size of my face. We started out with half-bowls, and they were sweet, minty, and delicioso. Our second round was much, much, did I say much? stronger but still delicious.
I wonder what I've been doing all my life, negelcting these mojitos? People were dancing, sizzling argentinian steaks were passing inches away from my head, and I consumed hundreds of tiny little yellow potatoes called papa criolla, dousing them with various relishes and chimichurris.
And then I started feeling sick.
Before you start judging me, my stomach has been boycotting life for the last 3-4 weeks. In typical Holly fashion, I ignored it, but it's really begun to backfire in Colombia. At home, managable. Here, with new food, crippling.
So I left the buzzing, dancing, delicious restaurant at 1 in the morning doubled over, apologizing to the boyfriend.
He says we will go again, and this time I will:
a) bring my camera
b) drink 5 mojitos
c) know how to salsa.
Mark my words.
Thank you, http://www.espaciogastronomico.com.ar/files/andres1.jpg for the picture.
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