First day of work, December 15ish:
Boss: "Hi everyone. This is Coach Holly. Say hi Coach Holly!"
Evil-eyed girl child: "Have a HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS!"
Suddenly, I'm back at Centerville Elementary, sitting at my too-tall desk. I can hear the snot-nosed boy behind me singing "Have a holly jolly Christmas," over and over, like those are the only lyrics he knows.
They probably are.
I'm brought back to the present by the silence around me.
Boss: "Coach Holly, Jessica asked you a question."
Me: "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
Sweet, doe-eyed child: "Is your name Holly because it's Christmas?"
I thought about it. I might have even looked at the ceiling for inspiration.
Me: "Yes. That's exactly why."
All children, in unison: "Cooooooooooool."
Day 2 of work, December 18ish:
I'm minding my own business at the end of class, cleaning up some paperwork when I'm approached by a child, roughly in the 8 - 10 year old category. (I still haven't mastered the skill of guessing their ages.)
Messy haired girl who talked the entire class: "I know why you're named Holly."
Me: "Why." (My lack of question mark indicates my level of interest.)
Girl: "Because it's your Christmas name."
Me: "You got it."
Girl: You know what I'm going to call you when it's spring? Flower. And when it's summer, I'm going to call you Sunshine, and when it's fall I'm going to call you...
Me: "OK, sounds good."
Another girl, who had been standing by and listening: "What's your real name?"
Me: "I can't tell you that. It's a secret."
Group of girls who had gathered around me: "Oooooooooooo."
Eat it up, kids. This is only the beginning.