Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pat on the back

Look at my friend Owen's website. He used to be a poet--now he takes pictures of naked ladies.

Are the two really so different?

Good job, Owen!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome back to Savannah

I'm back, and I promise I'll be more consistent.

I promise!

How can I not regularly update my blog when there is so much material in Savannah?

Case in point:

Biking to the library yesterday. Forced to stop on the corner of Oglethorpe and Abercorn because a black SUV breaks in front of me. An 80's-haired lady leans out of the window and asks,

"Where is the Savannah Historic District?"

Me: "All around you."

What I should have said is:

"Actually, turn on Abercorn here and follow it all the way out--past crumbling mansions and rows of oak trees, until you get to DeRenne. Everything after DeRenne is the Historic District."

I love this town.